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الجمعة، 6 مايو 2016

Giant Panda Update

Giant Panda Update

Giant Panda is considered as one of the endangered species of animals today that is primarily supported by World Wildlife Fund. This is also the rarest types of bears in the globe. Severe threats and dangers from human beings have left about 1,800 pandas worldwide. This is alarming because even if they don’t have problems with predators, humans are mostly the ones that are the cause of their deaths.
Giant Pandas are very peaceful creature with a unique black and white coat. They have a very endearing and passive attitude, which makes them as one of the well-adored animals all over the world. They are also China’s national treasure and play a very important role in WWF or World Wildlife Fund as it is the organization’s logo since 1960s.
These lovely animals are the rarest types of bear and they primarily live in bamboo forests primarily in the western mountains of China. They depend most of their lives eating bamboo. Meaning to say, Giant Panda needs to consume a large amount of bamboo each day for them to get the right nutrients they needed. Additionally they can also consume, sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, high-fiber biscuit, rice gruel, sugar cane ad others. Fresh water is also imperative for Giant Panda’s diet. Meaning, it will require them to drink large amount of water, which will help the, to healthy body.
They also play a very important role in the bamboo forest. This is because Giant Pandas has the capacity to roam and spreading seeds as well as helping in the vegetation’s facilitation growth. Primarily, Giant Pandas lives in Yangtze Basin, where these cute and cuddly animals live as well as other wildlife animals like black blue sheep, colorful pheasants, golden monkey as well as other endangered species and animals.
Most of the Giant Pandas in the world are endangered, which makes most of them to stay in breeding centers and zoos primarily in China. Most of them are in breeding areas to make sure that they will reproduce.
The lifespan of the Giant Panda are not clear to some scientist but it shows that Giant Pandas that are not in zoos can live longer. One expert explains that Giant Panda can last until 35 years as the maximum. On the other hand, it is believed that proper care is very essential to make sure that the Panda will have a longer lifespan.
When it comes to social structure of these friendly animals, they may be alone most of the time but they also communicate in various ways such as occasional meetings, calls and scent mark. Baby panda may stay with their mother until 2-3 years old.
Luckily, the strong support from the Government of China plus the help of worldwide organizations and agencies, according to the latest information gathered by WWF, at least 17 percent has added to the population rate of Giant Panda. This is indeed a good news because if we work hand-in hand, it would be a sure way on how we can able to save Giant Pandas, so that the future generations can enjoy them in the future.

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